The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness is the largest wilderness area in the lower 48 states, encompassing the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, and most of the Main Salmon River. It is connected to the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness to the north, and the Gospel Hump Wilderness to the northwest. The proximity to this vast primitive area, positions Salmon, Idaho as one of the best jumping off points for backcountry forays into the central Idaho wilderness.bg4_

If it is wildlife viewing that you seek, then there is no better place to visit than the Salmon, Idaho. Just driving through will offer you the chance to see bald eagles, osprey, red tail hawks, antelope, elk, big horn sheep and of course both rule and white tail deer. At times motorists are treated to moose, black bear and mountain goat as well.

There is no fee to drive our wildlife corridor, and the animals you’ll see are wild and unprotected, unlike those you find in many national wildlife parks. But don’t settle for what you may see from the road, the best wildlife encounters are waiting for you just down the trail, or around the bend!

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